First publication of the Solar PV Brain Trust: State of play of the global solar PV sector

This 2‑pager pro­vi­des a brief sum­ma­ry of the cur­rent sta­te of play of the glo­bal solar PV sec­tor, inclu­ding a few high­lights about the his­to­ric expan­si­on of solar power that occur­red world­wi­de in 2023. 

Second publication of the Solar PV Brain Trust: Solar PV curtailment

This 12-pager pro­vi­des a pri­mer on the topic of curtailm­ent. With the share of solar PV gro­wing in many power mar­kets around the world, the amount of solar power being curtail­ed is start­ing to grow. This short ana­ly­sis pro­vi­des an over­view of curtailm­ent, what it is and why it mat­ters, and high­lights some of the solu­ti­ons being deve­lo­ped to miti­ga­te it.