(Mis)forecasting Solar PV: Why accurately forecasting solar PV matters

Third publi­ca­ti­on of the Solar PV Brain Trust

This short paper dis­cus­ses the repea­ted fai­lings of lea­ding fore­cas­ting agen­ci­es to accu­ra­te­ly fore­cast the growth of solar PV, and what can be done to impro­ve the glo­bal dia­lo­gue on the future of solar power. With solar PV now ran­king as the lowest-cost source of new ener­gy sup­p­ly world­wi­de, the share of solar PV assu­med in future ener­gy sce­na­ri­os has a signi­fi­cant impact on the over­all cos­ts of the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on, and ulti­m­ate­ly, on public sup­port. Signi­fi­cant­ly, as low-cost sto­rage and power-to‑X spreads, the­re are fewer and fewer limits on how much solar can be rea­li­sti­cal­ly deploy­ed. If the major fore­cas­ting agen­ci­es, as well as the IPCC, con­ti­nue using out­da­ted cost assump­ti­ons and fore­casts for solar PV, it is the glo­bal cli­ma­te sys­tem that risks pay­ing the price.

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